Special Issue – Pesquisa Operacional Journal
The Pesquisa Operacional Journal, with the objective of promoting an open space and stimulating the researchers to bring relevant contributions for these new challenges, is opening a special issue in the field of reliability, risk and maintenance. The invited Editors, invite submissions with an original point of view and advanced thinking on this topic and related issues. We welcome original research papers with a sound theoretical development and empirical basis of one or more (but not limited to) of the following subjects:
- Risk analysis;
- Reliability analysis;
- Degradation modeling;
- Maintenance for the industry of the future;
- Maintenance and reliability modeling for technical systems;
- Prognostics and Health Management;
- Digital twins applied in Reliability and Maintenance;
- Reinforcement learning for maintenance decision-making;
- Machine learning for reliability;
- Integrated models of production and maintenance scheduling;
- Protection Systems and maintenance models;
- Maintenance and sustainability;
- Life cycle/performance analysis;
- Spare parts supply chain management;
- Warranty management and data analysis.
Guest editors
- Cristiano A. V. Cavalcante, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, cristiano.avcavalcante@ufpe.br
- Phuc Do, University of Lorraine, phuc.do@univ-lorraine.fr.
- Philip A. Scarf, Cardiff University, scarfp@cardiff.ac.uk
- Shaomin Wu, University of Kent, s.m.wu@kent.ac.uk
Manuscript Submission Information
Manuscripts must be written in English and submitted to the e-mail cristiano.avcavalcante@ufpe.br. If the manuscript passes the first screen process, the author will be instructed to proceed to the second stage that will be provided directly to the author. This process will speed up the reviewing process of the manuscript.
All papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in September of 2022 on the special issue website. Research articles, review articles as well as short communications are invited.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts go through the peer review process in one go. Guidance for authors and other information relevant to the submission of manuscripts can be found on the Instructions for Authors page. Pesquisa Operacional is an international peer-reviewed journal published three times annually by the Brazilian Operations Research Society (SOBRAPO). The aim of the Pesquisa Operacional is to publish papers produced
by the Operations Research (OR) scientific community in order to promote its integration and to disseminate the scientific knowledge generated within it.
Important Date
• Manuscript Submission Deadline: October 30, 2021
• Decision Notification: February 2022
• Publication Date: July 2022
Idex information
Pesquisa Operacional is indexed in:
Cabell’s directories, IAOR (International Abstracts in Operations Research), SciELO and SCOPUS.